The Delphian School

March 13, 2009


Phone Number: 800.626.6610

Fax: 503.843.4158



The Delphian School is Oregon’s premiere international K-12 day and boarding school. Living and studying within a close-knit community and lively campus environment, Delphi students receive highly personal attention from instructors as they progress through a challenging academic program that focuses on demonstrated competence rather than memorization of facts or time spent in class. Students learn to not only understand what they study, but also to become competent in the use of logic and reason.

As part of a student body that takes a highly active role in all school activities, students will hold positions of increasing responsibility and learn their own lessons about ethics, integrity and leadership. All these ingredients then come together to make a rich and rewarding launch into life.

The Delphian School might be considered a ‘professional’ prep school—that is, professional preparation for life. All student programs lead to the deliberate and professional pursuit of goals, whether the goal is to be a computer programmer, athlete, physicist, or writer; and whether it requires further college or professional school training or allows students to jump more directly into their field or into entrepreneurial work. Given the exponential growth in technology and the resulting demand for the ability to assimilate new knowledge, we know students need to be able to continue learning for the rest of their lives. They graduate from Delphi prepared for that future.

Students often consider The Delphian School quite a challenge, but a great deal of fun can be had amidst hard work and honest camaraderie. When this is combined with the practice and expectation of thinking for oneself and being fully responsible for one’s successes and failures, the stage is set for an extraordinary educational experience.

The school owes a debt of gratitude to American philosopher and educator L. Ron Hubbard, whose extensive writings include many treatises concerning education and career preparation, as well as the development of responsibility and ethical strength. It was through application of the ideas in these materials and the trial-by-fire of real classrooms that the philosophy of the school came to maturity.

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